In performing the Negative Energy, she can slam the opponent out of hatred, making a dim light pillar with a large skull inside of it. Mature can stretch both of her arms in front of her within a long range and with high speed to perform the move called Snake Arms. With the cutting energy, her Cutting Attacks can infuse her hand strikes and her Cutting Projectile can make a projectile from it. For her powers, she performs slashing hands to slash and pierce the opponent as if she was wielding the knives. She claimed that all fates began to change, and with Vice's consent, which she commented that Iori could not resist his blood once it was boils.Īs Mature first appeared in The King of Fighters '96 as a playable character instead of her non-playable cameo appearance in the first King of Fighters game, her fighting style relies on both speed and cutting powers, including some acrobatic maneuvers. After the climax of the game, Mature and Vice will not stop Iori who will seal Orochi.

Like in the previous tournament, Mature looks forward to seeing Iori fight with his flames. Vice threw him an invitation to KOF, she mentioned that this KOF was just the beginning of a nightmare. In The King of Fighters XIV, Iori visited the grave, Mature and Vice was returned. She and Vice state they will meet him again in his dreams. After the climax of the The King of Fighters XIII tournament, Iori's magatama returns to his possession and the weakened Orochi seal begins to strengthen itself once more. However, after Goenitz was defeated by Kyo Kusanagi and Iori at the end of the tournament, but their plan backfired however, as the two can take the form of solid shadows in the living realm. Goenitz ordered Vice and Mature to follow Iori Yagami, due to his Yagami heritage of the Orochi power and to bring him to the The King of Fighters '96 tournament. Mature took orders from one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi, Goenitz, even though Rugal Bernstein kidnapped Saisyu Kusanagi during the events of the KOF '95, Vice was ordered to brainwash him.